The Suitcase Labyrinth
The Suitcase Labyrinth

In recent years, Fenix has received 2,000 suitcases from donors. Suitcases with stories from all around the world. Fenix has taken these suitcases and built a labyrinth, symbolising what it means to have to pack your bags.

Your whole life in a suitcase — that is quite something. A suitcase carries more than just personal belongings: it also holds stories and memories. The Suitcase Labyrinth is full of stories about then and now: in the exhibition you can scan the baggage labels and listen to the stories these suitcases tell.
'Because of its history, the suitcase is like my great treasure. I would like others to see and hear the suitcase's story. That is why I am happy to donate it to Fenix.’- Daisy

The Fenix team has travelled the length and breadth of the Netherlands, the United States and Canada to meet people who donated suitcases. One of the oldest suitcases is from 1898 and arrived in the Netherlands on the Trans-Siberian Express. The newest are colourful Samsonites which were still being used last year.